We would like to announce that Pyodide is now a member of the Open Source Collective (OSC), which will act as the project’s fiscal host.

The Pyodide project compiles Python and the scientific stack to WebAssembly using Emscripten. Pyodide was created in 2018 by Michael Droettboom at Mozilla as part of the Iodide project. Later in 2021 Pyodide became an independent open-source project, and the current announcement completes this transition.

Pyodide is now able to receive donations and accept sponsorships though Open Source Collective, which should help long term project sustainability. We have looked at a few non-profit umbrella organizations before making this choice, and we quite like the financial transparency and ease of setup offered by OSC. In addition, since Pyodide use cases are wider than scientific computing, we felt that a non-specialized fiscal host would be best.

We are now accepting donations at the OSC project page: opencollective.com/pyodide Funds will be mostly spent to organize in-person developer sprints.

On a different subject, Pyodide now has a blog, where you are reading this post. In the future we will share here project announcement, examples of real world use cases for Pyodide, as well as more technical posts about how Pyodide works. We also accept guest posts on GitHub.